In the English zoo flew birds, similar to the ninja turtle

Homeland of these rare birds, similar to cartoon characters, is the Indonesian island of Java.

At the Newquay Zoo in Cornwall, Great Britain, a pair of extremely rare songbirds arrived. In European zoos, there are only five pairs of Javanese azure forty. These talkative birds have an extensive lexicon, so they are a tasty morsel for poachers. Because of this, their population in nature is declining, and in the future, probably, we will be able to observe them only in zoos. Unusual bright green plumage Javan magpies have acquired a diet rich in natural pigment lutein.

Zoo Newquay hopes that the pair will soon have chicks. Employees noticed that birds begin to “dance” to each other, which is a sign of courtship. The zoo will provide azure magpies with all the necessary materials for building a nest and a lot of ripe papaya.

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